Swartz Kitchens & Baths Achieves Zillow-Status Fame

We don’t know about you, but after this winter, we’re more than ready for the summer heat. Know what else is hot? Zillow. The leading real estate and rental marketplace, last year Zillow brought 245 million unique users to its website – per month!

A recent survey by a California-based insurance company Surety First revealed that Zillow is so popular, many respondents would rather browse the site than hang out with friends, or even have sex. Here are some of the survey results:

  • 55% of respondents admit to spending between one to four hours a day on the site.
  • 63% have looked up the value of a friend’s house.
  • 56% have canceled plans with a friend to browse the site instead.
  • 49% would rather browse Zillow than have sex.
  • 48% of respondents reporting an increase in their Zillow browsing over the course of the pandemic.

During the pandemic, it seems that browsing luxury real estate has replaced window shopping for many people. (62% of respondents browse houses that are at least over $100,000 more than their current home.)

Some say that the ultimate proof that you’ve made it into the American zeitgeist is getting spoofed on Saturday Night Live. If that’s true, then Zillow has arrived. In February, guest host Dan Levy and the Saturday Night Live crew performed a sketch based on the Zillow phenomenon. To date, a YouTube upload of the clip has received over five and a half million views.

So, you can imagine our delight when Swartz Kitchens & Baths discovered (via listings like the one featured here) that we’ve also achieved a certain level of Zillow fame.

Swartz Kitchens and Baths in Zillow Listing

Realtors are naming Swartz kitchens (and baths) as prime selling features for the properties they represent. Studies have shown that in the hottest housing markets, modest kitchen or bath remodels prove to be sure-fire investments, often returning more than 100 percent of the cost.

Our best advice, however, is don’t wait until you want to sell a property to remodel; remodel now and enjoy the benefits of an updated kitchen or bath. The National Association of Realtors reports that homeowners who complete kitchen remodels report joy scores of a solid ten! And, to quote another phrase that has entered the American zeitgeist, that’s “Priceless.”

Swartz Kitchens & Baths Achieves Zillow-Status Fame

We don’t know about you, but after this winter, we’re more than ready for the summer heat. Know what else is hot? Zillow. The leading real estate and rental marketplace, last year Zillow brought 245 million unique users to its website – per month!

A recent survey by a California-based insurance company Surety First revealed that Zillow is so popular, many respondents would rather browse the site than hang out with friends, or even have sex. Here are some of the survey results:

  • 55% of respondents admit to spending between one to four hours a day on the site.
  • 63% have looked up the value of a friend’s house.
  • 56% have canceled plans with a friend to browse the site instead.
  • 49% would rather browse Zillow than have sex.
  • 48% of respondents reporting an increase in their Zillow browsing over the course of the pandemic.

During the pandemic, it seems that browsing luxury real estate has replaced window shopping for many people. (62% of respondents browse houses that are at least over $100,000 more than their current home.)

Some say that the ultimate proof that you’ve made it into the American zeitgeist is getting spoofed on Saturday Night Live. If that’s true, then Zillow has arrived. In February, guest host Dan Levy and the Saturday Night Live crew performed a sketch based on the Zillow phenomenon. To date, a YouTube upload of the clip has received over five and a half million views.

So, you can imagine our delight when Swartz Kitchens & Baths discovered (via listings like the one featured here) that we’ve also achieved a certain level of Zillow fame.

Swartz Kitchens and Baths in Zillow Listing

Realtors are naming Swartz kitchens (and baths) as prime selling features for the properties they represent. Studies have shown that in the hottest housing markets, modest kitchen or bath remodels prove to be sure-fire investments, often returning more than 100 percent of the cost.

Our best advice, however, is don’t wait until you want to sell a property to remodel; remodel now and enjoy the benefits of an updated kitchen or bath. The National Association of Realtors reports that homeowners who complete kitchen remodels report joy scores of a solid ten! And, to quote another phrase that has entered the American zeitgeist, that’s “Priceless.”